NAME: Rory Teigra Miller
NICKNAMES: Tiger, Ginge, Tiggs, Ror
AGE: Sixteen
BIRTHDAY: October 12th
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
PLAYED BY: Hayley Williams
DISNEY: Tigger
USER GROUP: Quirky friend
CHILDISH! Rory is already young at the sweet age of sixteen, though she acts much younger, probably because she’s never had to grow up. No matter where she has been she’s always had someone to mother her or protect her from the evils of the world. It’s not uncharacteristic to find Rory running around outside or hugging a teddy before she goes to bed. Her immaturity is coupled with innocence and naivety. She has never really indulged in the hobbies of most people her age. Smoking, drinking and anything mildly sexual are alien to her. She’s never even kissed a boy. People view her more as a little sister than as someone to have a relationship with. She is to be protected, not corrupted.
ENERGETIC! Rory is full of energy, all the time. She’s always wants to be moving – even when she’s meant to be sat still, part of her has to be moving. She’s an incredibly fidget and loves to be outside or involved in some sort of sport. Mostly she loves gymnastics and trampolining. She is incredibly flexible and her enthusiasm for gymnastics means she often throws random moves out into her daily behaviour. If she has the chance Rory would probably like to compete but she knows her situation won’t allow it. Still, sports and gymnastics are some of the only things that Rory can boast to being good at in comparison to her academic subjects. Rory is dyslexic, meaning that she often struggles with a lot of school subjects and has given up with it slightly. She’d rather doss off in her lessons now rather than try at something that she doesn’t think she’ll ever understand.
LOVING! Despite her hyper behaviour and energetic nature Rory is incredibly dedicated to her friends. She likes to spend time with those who mean a lot to her, especially her adoptive family. She learnt from her adopted brother about caring for others and his generous nature rubbed off on her. Rory is naturally affectionate, liking to hold hands and snuggle with people, regardless of her relationship to them. It’s possibly part of her childish side, she likes to feel loved in return for the attention she gives to others. She makes cakes for peoples birthdays and does handmade cards for mother’s day. Generally, Rory is a little like a cat – she’ll play for hours on end but at the end of the day she just wants to curl up on someone’s lap.
MISCHEVIOUS! Yet, despite all of her good natured qualities there is still a slightly cheeky side to Rory. She likes playing jokes on people and winding them up to see how far they’ll go. Rory will always see how much she can get and can be argumentative at times. Generally, if she’s got nothing to lose she’ll go for whatever her mind is telling her do. She’s impulsive and reckless and doesn’t think before she acts. She’ll borrow things off of Roo without giving them back until he asks for them and she’ll take the last ice cream out of the freezer or stay out until her adoptive mum demands that she comes home. She’s far from perfect, though through the care of her adoptive family, she’s not as bad as she used to be.
QUIRKS: Brilliant sense of direction, says words differently like ‘villain’ as ‘villy-un’, fidgets a lot, plays with anything she can get her hands on, always wears odd socks, writes left handed but does everything else with her right hand.
LIKES: Orange things, shiny stuff, lace up shoes, gymnastics, climbing trees (though she can never get down again), fizzy drinks, thick socks, sunny days, strong coffee, glasses and disguises, dressing up, music.
DISLIKES: Green vegetables, honey, the dark, wonky teeth, fish, deep water, alcohol, the smell of tobacco, ice, loud tv adverts, leather clothing, peanuts.
Rory’s parents came from England, moving from their home in London to Fantasia when Rory’s mother was pregnant with her. After Rory was born it was only three months before she was placed in the adoption circuit. Rory has never been told why she was given up or anything about her parents, only that her parents both died before her first birthday. She has no memories of her parents, nor does she have anything that they left her. Her first memory is from the orphanage, sitting in the toy room playing with the younger boys. None of Rory’s family stepped forward to take her so she remained in a carehome for most of her early life. She was taught with the other children and grew up in an environment that was much like having lots of brothers and sisters. Two families looked at Rory, once when she was four years old and once when she was six, but neither of them took her on.
Then, only a couple of weeks after the last family fell through, someone else filed to try adopting Rory. By this point she was a bit of a handful child; too loud for most people’s liking and incredibly set in her ways. She was ginger, not good at school and not particularly polite, so all in all she wasn’t the most desired child. However, when Ms Shepard saw Rory she immediately liked her. When Rory was introduced to Rupert Shepard the two got on just as well. Rory was thrilled with her new brother and mum, feeling like part of a family for the first time. Her fussy eating was inconvenient to her new mother and her reckless nature had the entire family on edge, but the challenge of turning Rory into a more well mannered person was one readily accepted by the Shepard family.
Whilst school didn’t go incredibly well; Rory wasn’t diagnosed with dyslexia until she was ten years old, two years after she’d been adopted. To compensate for her lack of academic ability Rory was enrolled in more sports classes, taking up gymnastics especially. This gave her the ability to channel her excess energy and also something to focus on. Rory absolutely loved it, spending many hours a week at the gymnasium and working up to a respectable standard. Her school work never flourished, even as she was given help for her dyslexia. Things developed to the point where she was pronouncing words differently too; no amount of speech therapy could help. In the end, it was accepted that Rory would always be a little bit eccentric and different. Both her and her family were happy with that. (:
“Come on Natey boy, you know you don’t look like a dork at all. Chris wouldn’t drive you in the wrong direction on what to wearing.” Nathan had to tell himself in soft mumble while he eyed himself in the mirror. Nathan wasn’t one who was used to getting all dressed up for such balls, but he had such a good reason to do so. After such a nice long conversation that was shared between Cory and himself, he asked her to the ball and she agreed. Once more he adjusted the tie upon his tuxedo while positive that he was ready to go. Having already talked with Cory earlier in the day, they agreed that he would wait for her by the entrance of the ball. Nathan could of easily could of just waited for her by the entrance of the Gryffindor common room, but Nate rather be prepared to be stunned by the beauty that should shine from his lovely date for this evening. With one last look upon his own image, Nate grinned lightly while walking out the room and into the common room. Looking around briefly in the room, he could only way to a few of his fellow house-mates who looked more excited about the ball then he did.
Once out the door and away from the crowd, he walked down the hallway until he reached the stairwell. The long walk down the stairs wasn’t that much fun so he thought; Nate had turned his thoughts away from how long this walk was to the fact he was going to the ball with someone he liked to be around and someone who actually made him feel kind of special for one night. Hardly did the man have luck with the ladies these days and certainly for one night he could have fun and feel good, though he was sure he didn’t want to just have one good night with the likes of the fair lady he was dancing with tonight. The walk down the last few stairs had almost gone unnoticed until the soft thud of walking down a flight of stairs had ended which turned his attention to see that he was back on the main floor. Briefly he looked around the hall to see the entrance into the great hall was flooded with others, some looking like they were waiting for their dates while others already with their respected dates. Nerves seemed to flutter in the man’s stomach while he inched closer and closer to the entrance to the great hall.
Once there he mustered the courage to look inside with those big green eyes of his. The place had been decorated beautiful for such an occasion. The decoration committee had clearly outdone themselves just by the way everything just seemed to be decorated in a perfect manner. Lucky enough his face was covered by the unique mask he found just the other day. Otherwise people would be easily able to see the nerves that seemed to set upon his face while counting the moment until he made his grand entrance into the ball with the likes of Cory. The mask itself that he picked out was quite something that seemed to strike him the moment he saw it. The gold trim along the mask had such a unique design while the red and green had just seemed to settle right on his face. It made it fun from the start to wear such a mask and one that he described to Cory just hours ago so that she would find him with such ease. With a soft hint of a smile that crossed his lips, Nathan looked again inside the great hall to marvel at the decorations while greeting a few faces that took the time to greet him while they walked into the great hall.
Adjust the tie upon his tux once more; Nathan really couldn’t wait for the evening to start rolling since he really couldn’t wait to have a lot of fun and to make the most out of the evening before him. ’I can’t wait to sweep her off her feet like I said I would. This certainly should be a ball of fun for sure.’ He thought while skimming the few things in his head that included just checking off a few things in his head. That including the fact his tie was on straight, his hair was nicely done instead of being a fuzzy mop like usual and he hadn’t done anything to make a fool out of himself just yet. Already the night was a success with the fact that nothing went wrong just yet and it he hoped that would be the case the rest of the night. Smiling to himself again, Nathan had just inclined his head to the left and with some lucky it seemed he wasn’t going to be alone for much longer. If he remembered correctly he was pretty sure the beautiful young woman making her way down the hall was the very same beautiful young woman that he asked to the ball. A smile just seemed to rise from the man’s lips once more while he looked upon her.